Interactive Advertising Bureau
04 June 2019

Winners Announced for the MIXX Awards Europe 2019

IAB Europe is delighted to announce the winners of its prestigious annual MIXX Awards Europe competition.  The awards showcase the very best of digital advertising from across Europe and the winners were announced at IAB Europe’s annual Interact conference in Warsaw, Poland on 4 June. Chaired by Anna Lubowska, Independent Business Consultant and Supervisory Boards Member, the MIXX Awards Europe has 13 categories which were reviewed by a jury of leading industry experts. More information about the MIXX Awards Europe jury members can be found here.

Anna Lubowska, Chair of the Jury said: “Today marketers have a range of channels in which they can reach their target audiences. This brings with it challenges on deciding where to allocate advertising budgets. Celebrating the latest and greatest work, the MIXX Awards Europe highlight why digital is a necessary channel for all campaigns. The competition recognises these campaigns and the teams behind them achieving excellence in digital marketing. Winning a MIXX Awards Europe prize puts victors in the marketing spotlight.”

The 2019 award winners are:


Grand Prix

LDV United

Dare To Sponsor






Brand Advertising Campaign



Gold: Mindshare

Lipton - Silence Ad Break


Silver: Bruketa&Zinic&Grey

The Tunnel


Bronze: Mindshare

Red Line







Branded Content



Gold: Mindshare

Men Do Apologize TV Integration


Silver: Wavemaker Hungary

Heroes of Sales – the first shoppable online comedy


Bronze: LDV United

Breastfeeding Extras






Campaign Effectiveness


Gold: Havas Denmark

ALDI Creating retail-traffic through intelligent GPS data customer mapping


Silver: Xaxis



Bronze: Mindshare

Pharmaton TV Sponsorship Enhanced Interaction with Second Screen





Direct Response / Lead Generation Campaign



Gold: Initiative / Reprise

Orange Finance tracks full consumer journey


Silver: Wavemaker Turkey






Effective Use of Data


Gold: Mindshare Poland



Silver: Havas Denmark

ALDI Creating retail-traffic through intelligent GPS data customer mapping





Integrated Advertising



Gold: LDV United

Dare to Sponsor


Bronze: Arena Media Spain

Pet Talks






Native Advertising



Silver: MediaCom

Akbank Jazz Festival | Adaptive Jazz Radio Campaign


Bronze: Ekstra Bladet

Relevant content led to massive impact with young women


Bronze: Initiative

Axe Starladder 2018




Programmatic Advertising



Silver: Borusan Otomotiv - BMW

BMW 4 Series Addressable TV


Bronze: Mindshare

Freestyle - HBB TV Cross Screen Integration


Bronze: Universal McCann

Toyota Hybrid Cars Programmatic OOH




Responsive Display Advertising



Gold: MediaCom Schweiz

Audi e-tron launch campaign e-Hub



Search Advertising



Gold: Hype

Turn Your Searches Into Trees


Silver: MOSQI.TO

Painless banking for everybody





Social Media



Gold: Mindshare

Get Artsy with Polo!


Silver: LDV United

Dare to Sponsor


Bronze: Mindshare Poland



Bronze: C-Section





Video Advertising



Gold: OMD

Doritos Cool & Hot


Silver: Wavemaker Hungary

Heroes of Sales – the first shoppable online comedy


Bronze: Mindshare

Cornetto Mobile İn Love





Virtual and Augmented Reality  or other new technologies



Gold: Mindshare

Red Line


Silver: Spotify

Spotify for Brands Virtual Reality House Tour


Bronze: Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine

Sprite: DRONE PAINTER - Ugly or Contemporary Artist


Bronze: GONG

Tymbark - Funbot



The Jury was Chaired by Anna Lubowska, Independent Business Consultant and Supervisory Boards Member and is joined by Anna Gruszka, Chief Digital Officer of IPG Mediabrands, CEO of Reprise, Ash Grant, Head of Biddable Media at Experian, Daniel Bischoff, Chief Marketing & Operations Officer at RTL AdConnect, Christina Keller, Director of Creative Shop, Central Europe at Facebook, Peter Drake, Executive Creative Director at Digitas and Stephanie Matthews, Campaign Manager at Virgin.

For more information, please contact:

Marie-Clare Puffett, IAB Europe (

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