Interactive Advertising Bureau
04 June 2019

MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Axe Starladder 2018 (Initiative)


Axe Starladder 2018

Awards: Native Advertising (Bronze)

Campaign summary

This project was aimed to increase the sales of our e-com shop with the help of further e-sports territory conquest. The collaboration with reliable partner – Starladder – provided us with standard branding options and also with unique native integration of promo code right inside the game graphics.

Objectives and Strategy

The main target of this project was to increase the sales of Unilever Axe DTC e-shop in Russia.

Earlier Axe made real the 3-steps conquest of e-sports territory: Team sponsorship, sponsorship of championship streams and large special project for wide gaming audience.

In 2018 we decided to increase the quality of our presence in Championships streams and used unique option of native promo code integrations right inside the game graphics – it was so native that viewers could easily define it as a part of ingame decorations.

Execution and Media

Axe used the familiar type of project, but with DTC shop support:

  1. Standard sponsorship: branding of all partners assets (site, Social nets, Stream etc.)
  2. Brands own rubric with all highlights of matches
  3. Promo code graphic integration. It was not easy to notice, so we engaged viewers to be more attentive to catch it during match streams and use in our e-shop.


Our promo code wasn’t given to Target Audience right in the face – we gave them a hint, that they can find it during the match streams. It was made with the help of ingame graphic banners, that were similar to environmental elements, such as billboards, posters etc.


Integration right in the game graphics is the deepest and most native way of advertising among e-sports fans audience. The nativeness of this integrations gave us positive feedback and successful campaign results


  • Unique Reach on Twitch – 6,7 mln users (Site statistics)
  • Number of Views – 22,3 mln (Site Statistics)
  • DTC Sales boost – 3 times more sales during 1 week in comparison with summary of 3 months before (GA Statistics)


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