Interactive Advertising Bureau
03 December 2020

Looking to Get More Involved In Industry & Policy Initiatives in 2021? Join Our Committees!

This year, IAB Europe's committees and taskforces have produced some incredible outputs. From producing guides on the Post Third-Party Cookie Era and Brand Safety & Brand Suitability, to creating pan-European definitions for CTV and 101s on Digital Audio, our members are driving the industry forward by sharing their expertise and best practices.

Our members have also taken part in over 50 virtual events reaching over 20,000 people!

We have a range of committees and taskforces that every IAB Europe member can join. Below, we've put together a summary of our committees so you have all the information you need to sign up today!

Why join a Committee?

Being a part of a committee will help you to expand your knowledge, network and provide valuable education and guidance to the wider community. You can stay up to date on the latest regulatory affairs and public policy initiatives that promote self-regulation, best practice and industry standards. Most of our committees organise events so you have the opportunity to become a speaker or moderator at large events which bring together hundreds of industry peers. Finally, being a part of a committee means you can influence the work we are doing to drive forward the future of our industry.

What's involved? 

Each committee has a monthly conference call with a quarterly face to face meeting. The committee Chair and Vice-Chair lead each session and proactively involve members to get the very best from each meeting. The latest projects and outputs will be discussed so members can decide what they'd like to get involved with and work on. Most committees will focus on two to three key projects each quarter which could range from producing a white paper or discussing the latest policy situation to conducting industry research and market insights. For any output you are involved with, you and your company will be cited in the report and have the opportunity to be involved in subsequent PR or events.

What Committees can I join?

Please see below for an overview on the committees you can join.

  • Policy Committee - IAB Europe’s Policy Committee represents the interests of Europe’s digital marketing & advertising industry to ensure that future EU policy and regulation enables continuing innovation and sustainable media, while maximising the industry’s potential to contribute to Europe’s digital economy.
  • Legal Committee - The Legal Committee brings together legal experts to help member companies and National IABs understand and assess the impact of EU legislation, European Court of Justice (CJEU) rulings and enforcement by Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) as they pertain to digital advertising. It works to develop agreed interpretations of the law and compliance guidance to the market on key issues such as definition of consent, legitimate interest, pseudonymization, verification for access requests and other data subject rights, that can be promoted with key external stakeholders, including EU and local regulators, advertisers and consumer associations. The Legal Committee is also involved in the preparation of IAB Europe responses and comments to EDPB and national guidelines, and other policy documents.
  • Programmatic Trading Committee - The Programmatic Trading Committee is a multi-stakeholder group which aims to increase understanding of the programmatic ecosystem and the impact it is having on digital advertising and influence industry initiatives to improve the ecosystem.
  • Brand Advertising Committee - The mission of IAB Europe’s Brand Advertising Committee is to drive brand investment into digital by providing Brand Advertisers with a reliable and trusted Brand Advertising Framework for the converging digital and traditional media environment. The Framework is composed of a set of initiatives designed to be compatible with global programmes.
  • Quality & Transparency Task Force - The Quality & Transparency Task Force aims to combat stakeholder quality and transparency concerns and address the challenges that the industry is facing in order to fuel consumer trust and brand investment in the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem.
  • Channels & Formats Task Force - The Channels & Formats Task Force aims to increase awareness and drive investment by providing best practices and guidance in emerging and established digital advertising channels and formats.
  • Research Committee - The Research Committee provides strategic insight to drive digital advertising investment by overseeing and inputting to all of IAB Europe’s research activities and formulating an annual research plan.
  • Post Third-Party Cookie Task Force - This is a joint Taskforce with IAB France. The joint taskforce will bring European National IABs and their corporate members together to both promote “home-grown” European ideas that surface within the taskforce and to consolidate and submit feedback on proposals emanating from the W3C and Rearc, including the Chrome Privacy Sandbox. Providing users with choices that they can make with confidence based on information is the key to ensuring a fair and transparent advertising industry that can sustain the open Internet we know today. This new taskforce will help to shape the technical standards and the future paradigm that will redefine our industry. Participation in the taskforce is open to all IAB Europe, IAB France and other National IAB corporate members (even if those corporate members are not members of either IAB France or IAB Europe).
For more details on the committees with details on the Chairs, workplan and contact details, please click here

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IAB Europe
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1040 Brussels
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