Interactive Advertising Bureau
23 March 2018

IAB Europe Report: Attitudes to Digital Video Advertising

Digital video advertising investment on mobile has overtaken desktop according to both advertisers and agencies in the second annual IAB Europe Attitudes to Digital Video Advertising research. Investment in digital video has increased across all devices but mobile and connected TV standout as the key drivers.

The report is based on a survey of 450 advertisers, agencies and publishers from across 31 markets. It aims to provide clarity on the status of adoption and buy-side and sell-side perspectives on the development of digital video and trading methods.

The second wave of this research shows that:

  • Digital video advertising is mainstream whilst linear TV investment dominates advertising budgets
  • Mobile has overtaken desktop and is now the key device for digital video advertising investment
  • The supply of digital video advertising inventory is still being established with skippable inventory catching up with non-skippable
  • Direct trading is the dominant trading mechanism for digital video advertising
  • In-stream continues to drive digital video advertising investment
  • Brand KPIs and metrics are key to measuring digital video advertising success
  • Investment in digital video advertising is set to increase

Find out more by downloading the report below.

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