Interactive Advertising Bureau
12 March 2020

Dates You Need To Know For The TCF V2.0 Switchover

The Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) v2.0 provides increased transparency, control and accountability for consumers and publishers, and will bring benefits to everyone in the digital advertising market. The sooner we can get everyone up and running on the framework, the sooner these benefits can be realised. We’ve put together some key dates which show when Vendors should complete their v2.0 registration and when support for TCF v1.1 will end.

If you’re keen to register but need more information about what the process involves, then be sure to visit our webinar resources page. We have been running a series of workshops on the TCF 2.0 transition, which we have recorded and made available for all. 

We have also prepared a Q&A for vendors and CMPs, which contains full details and guidance on the registration and transition deadline.

So note those dates and register today!


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