Interactive Advertising Bureau
11 April 2018

Vendors and Consent Management Providers are invited to register to participate in IAB Europe's Transparency and Consent Framework

The registration process is open for Vendors and Consent Management Providers to apply for approved status in the context of IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on 25 May 2018, requires a legal basis for processing the personal data of EU residents. While the GDPR offers six possible legal bases, the two that digital publishers, advertisers and those that support them typically find most relevant include consent or legitimate interest. Crucially, publishers must also provide transparency into the list of vendors or partners they decide to work with that may also process their website visitor’s personal data.

IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework has been created to offer flexibility in terms of various paths towards complying with the law, and providing a standardised means of communicating signals to different parties in real time.

The member registry of vendors and CMPs (known as the List) will facilitate adherence to the Framework policy, provide transparency into the ways companies intend to comply with GDPR requirements, and centralise participants into one well-known location. Publishers can then use the List registry to view which of their partners are a part of the Framework, and determine which vendors to include in the transparency and consent user interfaces they decide to make available on their sites.

Registration is at and there are separate pages for vendors and CMPs to complete the required information.

Once companies have submitted their application and received approval by IAB Europe, they need to pay the annual fee. We will then issue vendors with an ID and publish them in the Framework while CMPs will receive an ID and sub-domain and will be listed on

You can find all the background information you need in the FAQ and on We will also hold an open webinar on Friday, 20 April 17:00 CEST/16:00BST/11:00 EDT/ 08:00 EDT) when our technology and policy experts will be on hand to answer your questions - Register for the webinar: here

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