Interactive Advertising Bureau
14 May 2020

Transition Period for TCF v2.0 – Updated Timeline & New Deadline

As we approach the switch over from the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) v1.1 to TCF v2.0, we wanted to update you on the revised timeline and deadline which has taken into account the impact of COVID-19 on stakeholder’s operations.

In the April TCF Steering Group (SG) meeting, the group agreed to revising the timeline to accommodate requests from some group members who had asked for more flexibility due to the unexpected pressures of the pandemic. This was incorporated into the timeline.

In light of the continued pressures the pandemic is placing on publisher's operations and resources, at the SG meeting on the 13th May, a vote was taken to extend the deadline. The SG voted to extend technical support for TCF v1.1 beyond the previously announced date of 30 June to a new date of 15th August 2020. This is the final extension, beyond which support for the Global Vendor List (GVL) and other infrastructure necessary to implement v1.1 will be deprecated. You can read the full press release here.

Please see below the revised timeline that we hope will allow CMPs, Vendors and Publishers more time to successfully implement TCF v2.0. We remain committed to supporting all stakeholders during the switchover to TCF v2.0.

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