Interactive Advertising Bureau
28 May 2020

New 'Post Third-Party Cookie' Taskforce for IAB Europe & National IAB Members

IAB Europe in partnership with IAB France are pleased to announce the launch of a new joint initiative ‘The Post Third-Party Cookie Taskforce’. This follows on from IAB Europe’s recent release of ‘The Post Third-Party Cookie Era Guide, to prepare brands, agencies, publishers and tech intermediaries for the much-anticipated post-third-party cookie advertising ecosystem’.

With impending changes to the technology landscape for user tracking and identifiers, the future of online advertising depends on giving users trusted choices about their experience that respect their privacy preferences. The Post Third-Party Cookie Taskforce will help to ensure strong European input into reflections being conducted within the W3C and IAB Tech Lab’s “Project Rearc” on the evolution of digital advertising and potential new paradigms.

IAB Europe is delighted to have the opportunity to host this effort jointly with IAB France Cookieless Task Force Lead by Augustin Decré, Managing Director South Europe at Index Exchange and IAB France Board Member. The Post Third-Party Cookie Taskforce will be co-chaired by the following: Patrick Verdon - IAB Europe Technical Director, Charles-Henri Hénault - VP Product Ads platform at Criteo, Noël Jaffré, Senior Director, Solutions Consulting at Index Exchange, Thibault Montanier - Data Manager and Integration Specialist at Sirdata, representing IAB France.

The joint taskforce will bring European National IABs and their corporate members together to both promote “home-grown” European ideas that surface within the taskforce and to consolidate and submit feedback on proposals emanating from the W3C and Rearc, including the Chrome Privacy Sandbox. Providing users with choices that they can make with confidence based on information is the key to ensuring a fair and transparent advertising industry that can sustain the open Internet we know today. This new taskforce will help to shape the technical standards and the future paradigm that will redefine our industry.

Participation in the taskforce is open to all IAB Europe, IAB France and other National IAB corporate members (even if those corporate members are not members of either IAB France or IAB Europe). In light of the strong emphasis on privacy and data protection that features in the W3C, Project Rearc and Google Sandbox work-tracks, the taskforce will develop separate working groups in the coming weeks.

The taskforce will convene bi-weekly for the foreseeable future, starting in early June.

Interested and eligible members (must be a member of IAB Europe or a National IAB) should email Colombe Michaud -

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