Interactive Advertising Bureau
15 November 2019

New IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee Chair outlines his vision

David Goddard was elected as Chair of the Programmatic Trading Committee on 14th November 2019 at the committee’s quarterly face to face meeting. Replacing Simon Halstead (Senior Director, Exchanges and Supply, Verizon Media) David was elected to lead the committees work to increase understanding of the programmatic ecosystem and the impact it is having on digital advertising and influence industry initiatives to improve the ecosystem.

Commenting on his newly appointed role and vision for the committee, David said “I have been working in the Programmatic field since 2011 and I believe we are entering into, what could be, our most exciting yet turbulent year for the European Programmatic and digital industry. This means that our role, as IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee members, will become more important than ever before. In my current role I have been privileged to visit multiple Global media markets and I have witnessed our research being presented or quoted back to me in Australia, APAC and North America, showing our work is valued globally. With privacy regulation changing the way we trade tomorrow, European and global media markets are looking for advice. As a committee, we can and do make a difference”.

David has been a member of the Programmatic Trading Committee member for four years, and now as Chair, will follow on the great work of former Chairs, Simon Halstead and Graham Wylie to create channels and connections that enable all committee members to contribute their knowledge to help all industry stakeholders. 

“It will only be through collaboration with all stakeholders and other industry bodies that we exit 2019 stronger as an industry, and our work and output as a committee will prove to be an invaluable source to many, as chair I will strive to aid all members achieve our goals” David commented.

The Programmatic Trading Committee is a multi-stakeholder group which aims to increase understanding of the programmatic ecosystem and the impact it is having on digital advertising and influence industry initiatives to improve the ecosystem.

IAB Europe members who would like to get involved in the Programmatic Trading Committee should contact Marie-Clare (

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