Interactive Advertising Bureau
07 October 2014

IAB Europe Report: Brand advertisers’ priorities for digital measurement

This report from IAB Europe reveals that brand advertisers seek consumer insight and viewable advertising as key to unlocking digital investment. Key insights include:

  • Brand advertisers are seeking more information about consumers – including lifestyle, media consumption behaviours and knowing the consumer’s position in the purchase decision process as important to ensure that they deliver relevant advertising at the right time to the consumer.
  • To facilitate planning and trading across media channels, brand advertisers want to see data from online audience surveys integrated with other media surveys, with TV integration being more important than other media.
  • Brand advertisers want to see an agreed set of key performance indicators to measure their return on digital investment.
  • KPIs that ensure consumer connections such as likelihood to recommend and fans/followers are important as well as traditional KPIs such as brand awareness, advertising recall and purchase intent.
  • To drive digital investment brand advertisers list various factors in the area of contact quality to be important, namely viewable impressions, time spent and a brand-safe environment.
  • Brand advertisers want frequent updates on their key audience to be able to adjust and optimise their campaigns, information about the consumer is key to brands.

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