Interactive Advertising Bureau
28 March 2017

Member report - comScore - Mobile's Hierarchy of Needs

This newest insight piece from comScore looks at mobile devices, categories and apps’ share of total digital time, and how this aligns with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, but also investigates areas such as:

  • Demographics and their mobile consumption
  • Which aspects of key content categories receive especially ‘mobile first’ behaviours, including Retail, Social Networking, News, Banking and Travel
  • Audiences and engagement for key global apps Challenges and opportunities for the continued growth of mobile platforms.

The dominant share of digital time represented by mobile globally highlights the need for measurement that captures all forms of digital activity on these devices” said Will Hodgman, executive vice president of international sales at comScore. “This report underlines the importance of demographics, app consumption and country-specific behavioural trends that publishers, advertisers and agencies need to effectively evaluate mobile audiences in a cross-platform world. We’re excited to expand this precise mobile measurement to even more markets throughout 2017.

To learn more about how comScore can help you succeed in a mobile-first world, please contact them at or visit

The report can be downloaded from the comScore website here.

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