Interactive Advertising Bureau
24 September 2019

IAB Europe launches new Legal Committee

IAB Europe is launching a new Legal Committee, open to all IAB Europe Members, to bring together legal professionals, and work to provide expert analysis on legislation, court rulings and enforcement decisions impacting digital marketing and advertising. The Committee will seek to develop consensus-based interpretations of the law, and provide compliance guidance on issues such as consent, legitimate interest, pseudonymisation and data subject rights.

In addition, the group will pursue close collaboration with other IAB Europe Committees, Working Groups and Task forces, with a double objective. Firstly, the latter can submit requests for opinions, enlisting the Legal Committee to provide legal expertise and assistance in the comprehension of relevant legal texts and jurisprudence where necessary. Secondly, the Legal Committee will partner with the Education and Training committee in developing IAB Europe’s legal and compliance training programme, aimed at providing specialised privacy and data protection compliance training to industry professionals.

IAB Europe’s Legal Committee is expected to hold its first meeting in the second half of October 2019. Members can register their interest in joining this new committee here or contact Filip Sedefov ( for more information.

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