Interactive Advertising Bureau
22 July 2024

IAB Europe Expresses Concerns Over GDPR Procedural Regulation

Brussels, Belgium, 22nd July 2024– IAB Europe, representing a diverse membership of digital marketing, digital advertising, and media companies, has today released a comprehensive paper outlining significant concerns regarding the European Parliament's and European Council's positions on the GDPR procedural regulation. As the trilogue discussions are anticipated to begin later this year, IAB Europe emphasises the need to address key issues to ensure practical and effective regulatory implementation.

The full paper, hosted here on IAB Euroe’s website, details several critical areas of concern:

1. Early Resolution Mechanisms and Complaint Admissibility: IAB Europe highlights the need for streamlined processes to expedite complaint resolutions and reduce administrative delays, which are currently leading to significant backlogs.

2. One-Stop-Shop Mechanism: The importance of maintaining the one-stop-shop mechanism to ensure consistent application of GDPR rules across different jurisdictions is stressed.

3. Business Information Confidentiality: Concerns are raised about the weakening of confidentiality protections, which could lead to media leaks and compromise the independence of supervisory authorities.

4. Right to Be Heard: IAB Europe advocates for uniform application of the right to be heard across Europe, ensuring that parties under investigation can effectively express their views during administrative procedures and avoid legal uncertainty.

IAB Europe remains committed to engaging with policymakers to ensure that the GDPR procedural regulation achieves its intended goals without imposing undue burdens on businesses or compromising the effectiveness of data protection mechanisms. 

For more information, please refer to the attached paper or contact IAB Europe’s Public Policy Director, Franck Thomas - or IAB Europe’s Public Policy Officer, Nina Hamann -

For press enquiries please contact IAB Europe’s CMO, Helen Mussard -

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