Interactive Advertising Bureau
09 January 2020

IAB Europe creates two new task forces to address industry opportunities and challenges

IAB Europe’s Brand Advertising Committee (BAC) has been restructured to ensure industry opportunities and challenges are adequately addressed and actioned in 2020 and beyond. The objective of the BAC is to drive brand investment into digital  by providing Brand Advertisers with a reliable and trusted Brand Advertising Framework for the converging digital and traditional media environment. To achieve this, the BAC has created two  new task forces as well as continuing to oversee the Effectiveness Measurement Task Force:

  1. Quality & Transparency - The Quality & Transparency Task Force will aim to combat stakeholder quality and transparency concerns and address the challenges that the industry is facing in order to fuel consumer trust and brand investment in the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem.
  2. Channels & Formats - The Channels & Formats Task Force will aim to increase awareness and drive investment by providing best practices and guidance in emerging and established digital advertising channels and formats.

Committee & Task Force Meetings
Going forward, the BAC will meet quarterly to provide strategic direction for the task forces and receive updates on actioned items and new activities. The Task Forces will meet monthly via a conference call and will be invited to the quarterly BAC meeting. 

We will be holding elections for the Brand Advertising Committee Chair and Vice-Chair in Q1, as well as leaders for each new Task Force. Election processes and next steps will be discussed in the first BAC and Task Force kick off meetings in Q1. 

Get involved
We are now inviting IAB Europe members to join the committee and task forces. If you are interested in joining, please register your interest here:  

As well as the BAC, IAB Europe has a range of business, policy and legal committees so all stakeholders within a company can be involved. Find out more about other IAB Europe Committees here

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