Interactive Advertising Bureau
07 December 2016

How to Comply with EU Rules Applicable to Online Native Advertising

IAB Europe has prepared Guidance on how to comply with EU rules applicable to online native advertising and content-based advertising. The legal obligations surrounding online native advertising can be confusing and difficult to find, as the rules are contained in two EU Directives which have subsequently been taken up into national law. The Guidance first summarises the legal requirements applicable to online native advertising, and is then followed by a large section on recommended good practices, including graphic and real examples. Finally, the Guidance also includes a more thorough analysis of the relevant EU legislation for online native advertising.

Due to the nature of EU law, this Guidance should only be used as a first step to figuring out compliance. Each national legislature might implement laws differently, and local regulators may interpret the rules more or less stringently than others. Therefore IAB Europe always recommends consulting local IABs and self-regulatory organisations where appropriate.

Download the document below.

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