Interactive Advertising Bureau
04 September 2017

Evolution Lab 2017 by EACA

Description of the event

Evolution Lab 2017 is an advertising agency gathering where national agency associations’ directors, international advertising and media agency networks, academics, top agency executives and advertisers meet to network and to discuss burning industry issues and future needs. It is organised by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA).

On 17 October 2017, there will be a full-day conference on ‘Advertising in the age of artificial intelligence’. It will gather players from across the ad industry to debate how artificial intelligence will change the ad industry, how agencies can accommodate these changes and lead them, and how to ensure that graduates have the skills needed to thrive in the changing market. The conference will feature speakers from different industry players, communications agencies and the European Parliament.

The highlight of #EvoLab is the Euro Effies Awards Gala, which takes place in the evening of the same day. It is the only internationally credible marketing communications effectiveness awards for multi-national European campaigns.

Join the event find out more! For more information, please click here

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