With approximately 2,000 trade visitors, d3con is the largest conference in the programmatic advertising industry, and this year it’s taking place in Hamburg on 10th and 11th April.
Experience the future of digital marketing and learn from leading experts how to scale your online marketing and become even more successful.
The key topic at this year’s event is digital advertising in the power struggle between human and artificial intelligence. You can look forward to expertise and insights from 100 top speakers, as well as exciting talks, workshops and panel discussions on topics ranging from Agency Trading Desks to the Future of the Marketer’s Landscape.
On 10th April at the d3con University, you can attend talks and workshops designed for decision makers who want to better understand the essentials of programmatic advertising.
On 11th April at the d3con Conference, you can network with the top experts and decision makers in the industry and watch exciting talks and panel discussions about programmatic advertising take place on stage. The conference will also offer simultaneous interpretation between German and English for English-speaking visitors.
Simon Halstead, Chair of IAB Europe's Programmatic Trading Committee, will chair the International Experts Panel. Find out more about Simon here.
You can visit each day of d3con individually, or you can save by purchasing the Combi Ticket.
As a member of IAB Europe, who have partnered with d3con for the first time this year, you will receive an additional 10% discount when you register via this link.