Interactive Advertising Bureau
17 February 2017

New IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee Chair outlines his vision and plans

I am delighted to have been elected as Chairman of the IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee. The committee has produced some invaluable assets to date including the Attitudes to Programmatic report, European Programmatic Market Sizing and various white papers, webinars and infographics. I will ensure that the committee and members continue this excellent work to help continue to build understanding and dispel myths around programmatic and ensure it is considered part of the full digital advertising landscape from premium and brand campaigns through to direct response.

The substantive scope of the committee in 2017 is:

  • Industry guidance and education
  • Research
  • Role of programmatic in creating a transparent and trusted market place
  • Events and webinars

In my role as chair one of my key goals is to present the benefits of programmatic trading across the spectrum of the media industry; advertisers, agencies (and not just the trading desks), buyers, tech providers and publishers.  We will focus on the benefits and efficiencies that exist for buying across multi platforms, multi formats and multiple models, and be robust on the controls we enable for buyers and sellers.

Having worked both within the agency world, as a publisher seller at Microsoft on a programmatic platform, and as a platform seller of AOL technology I have an understanding of the pressures all sides face, allowing my fellow committee members and I to ensure we address all stakeholders. Additionally, in my role connecting DSPs to our SSP platforms I have a good understanding of the need for constructive partnerships and being an open platform, addressing wider goals of the industry.

More information can be found here or if you are interested in getting involved please contact Marie-Clare Puffett, Business Programmes Manager at IAB Europe –


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