Interactive Advertising Bureau
12 July 2021

New Advertising Industry Initiative Provides Transparency in Programmatic Transactions Becomes The Shared Campaign Identifier (SCID)

Paris, France, 12th July 2021: Today, EDIPUB in partnership with IAB France, IAB Europe, Union des marques, UDECAM, SRI and IAB Tech Lab announced a major rebranding of their campaign traceability and transparency industry initiative, The collective industry initiative has been renamed SCID (Shared Campaign Identifier). Already part of the OpenRTB (Real Time Bidding) as an extension, the specification has been updated to reflect the name change.

With heightened regulation, the complexity of the digital advertising ecosystem and the need to ensure that user privacy is respected, it has never been more important to ensure transparency and traceability for all digital advertising campaigns, notably for advertisers who want to track and measure their digital investment.

SCID will enable a campaign to be monitored throughout its lifecycle. The goal is to keep following a campaign, provide more transparency, and bring the links in the programmatic chain closer during the reporting operations. This unique and dedicated SCID field will be easily identifiable for all stakeholders regardless of the demand-side platforms (DSPs), and supply-side platforms (SSPs) used by the buy and sell side.

“Over the last few years, we have witnessed the initiative gaining industry traction due to our commitment to test, incorporate feedback and communicate the work through different events and webinars. Today, the rebranding is another step. Maintaining the same objective, we want to give the programmatic ecosystem more transparency and traceability around each campaign with the SCID,” commented Alexandre Nderagakura, Technical Director, IAB Europe.

Commenting on the level of industry support, Didier Beauclair, Director of Efficiency and Transparency at Union des marques said “Advertisers, together with media agencies and publishers have long identified that a shared campaign identifier was the missing link for transparency and safety – and therefore trust - of the programmatic value chain. Our members as well as global advertisers through the WFA (World federation of advertisers) have been very supportive of this great initiative and are keen on making it a global standard.”

Jean-Baptiste Rouet, President of the Digital Committee UDECAM also commented “UDECAM has been supporting this initiative from the start and has carried out test campaigns to ensure that the shared campaign identifier has successfully passed through the value chain between buyer and seller without discrepancy. We are very happy to take a new step to make sure that SCID is widely adopted in all countries to guarantee brands ever more transparency in this complex and ever-changing ecosystem.”

SCID will now be rolled out to other key European markets to help with industry feedback and market adoption. Commenting on the plans, Evelyne Sosnovsky , Executive Director at  EDIPUB said “We‘ve been rolling out the Trust ID initiative for the past two years in France. With the rebranding to SCID ‘Shared Campaign Identifier’, we will be able to roll it out shortly in Poland, Portugal, and Denmark. The aim is to make it an OpenRTB global standard”.

“SCID is the real proof that a local solution can be deployed globally, be adopted as a norm and that supply and demand can be brought together around transparency. A major advance for the industry. The more understanding we bring in the value chain the easier we make the market to operate” said Véronique Pican Vice president IAB France.

The SCID spec is now available within the IAB Tech Lab GitHub as an extension in order to support SCID in programmatic transactions. This will allow anyone (tech platforms, publishers, and buyers) to use it and provide feedback on the usage. For full details on how SCID works and is integrated within OpenRTB, please read IAB Tech Lab’s blog post.

"IAB Tech Lab has been promoting technical transparency in the advertising and media industry on both the sell side – with ads.txt, sellers.json and SupplyChain Object – and the buy side – with buyers.json and Demand Chain Object. We are happy to see the SCID initiative gain momentum and hope that this will result in a more consistent level of campaign transparency across the supply chain, helping with reconciliation and accountability,” said Amit Shetty, Vice President, Programmatic & Partnerships, IAB Tech Lab.

“We are very happy to see that the project initiated in 2017 with Union des marques and Edipub is finally being rolled out. SCID, as an international standard, will bring the long-awaited traceability to our programmatic markets” said Hélène Chartier, General Manager, SRI.


Press Contacts:

Helen Mussard, CMO, IAB Europe - mussard@iabeurope


IAB Europe is the European-level association for the digital marketing and advertising ecosystem. Through its membership of national IABs and media, technology and marketing companies, its mission is to lead political representation and promote industry collaboration to deliver frameworks, standards and industry programmes that enable business to thrive in the European market

About IAB France

Créée en 1998, l’Interactive Advertising Bureau France (IAB France) regroupe les acteurs de la communication digitale autour d’une triple mission : (1) structurer la communication digitale grâce à l'élaboration de normes et au partage de bonnes pratiques, (2) favoriser son usage et (3) optimiser son efficacité en vue du développement d'une industrie forte et responsable au service d'une croissance durable. Elle compte à ce jour 125 sociétés membres, représentant l’ensemble des acteurs de la chaîne de la vente et des technologies de la publicité digitale.

L'IAB France est l'un des interlocuteurs naturels des autorités et pouvoirs publics, des médias et des autres associations professionnelles en matière de communication digitale. L'IAB France est une association indépendante, membre du 1er réseau mondial d'associations représentant l'écosystème de la communication digitale : l'Interactive Advertising Bureau.

About EdiPub

EdiPub est une association de l’interprofession publicitaire créée en 1996 , présidée par TF1 pub , qui regroupe tous les acteurs de l’achat d’espace en France : régies publicitaires, agences média, syndicats professionnels et offreurs de solution pour les médias TV,  Radio,  Print,  Publicité Extérieure et Digital . Son objet est de dématérialiser et d’optimiser les échanges commerciaux entre les partenaires depuis la création de l’offre jusqu’à la facturation et les bilans de campagne et reportings.  C’est sur la sollicitation de ses membres syndicats professionnels (UDM , UDECAM, SRI , SNPTV) qu’EdiPub a entamé ses travaux  pour aboutir à un identifiant unique de campagne programmatique, le SCID.

A propos de l’Union des marques

L’Union des marques est l'organisation représentative des marques. Elle compte 6600 membres au sein de ses 230 entreprises adhérentes, de toutes tailles, tous statuts, tous secteurs et représente plus de 1500 marques. Elle a pour mission de promouvoir la liberté de communiquer en développant une communication responsable et de renforcer l'efficacité des actions marketing et communication. L’Union des marques est une plateforme d’inspiration et d’échange, de mise en contact, d’accompagnement et de représentation.

A propos du SRI

En 2021, le SRI réunit 27 Membres, régies internet - 20 Minutes, 366, Altice Media Ads & Connect, Amaury Média, Boursorama, Canal+ Brand Solutions, Cdiscount Advertising, CMI Media, Drive Media, France TV Publicité, GMC Media, Lagardère Publicité News, Leboncoin, Les Echos Le Parisien Médias, M Publicité, M6 Publicité, MEDIA.figaro, Meltygroup, NRJ Global, Orange Advertising, Planet Advertising, Prisma Media Solutions, Reworld MediaConnect, SeLoger, Solocal, TF1 Pub & Verizon Media - et 7 Partenaires, exerçant une activité complémentaire et/ou technologique de monétisation publicitaire - Alliance Gravity, Digiteka, Facebook, Freewheel, Google, Smart et Xandr. Ensemble, ils partagent leurs expertises, décryptent le marché et ses tendances, notamment au travers de la publication de l’Observatoire de l’e-pub, et font la promotion d'une publicité digitale responsable.

A propos de l’Udecam

L’Union des Entreprises de Conseil et Achat Media réunit 26 Agences medias, architectes des stratégies de moyens au service des objectifs branding et business des marques.

L’Udecam réunit: Anacrouse, Artefact, Dentsu (Carat et IProspect), Havas Group. Media (Fullsix Media, Havas Media, Arena Media, 79), GroupM (KR Wavemaker, Mediacom, Mindshare), IPG Mediabrands, Mediatrack, Oconnection, OmnicomMediaGroup (OMD, Remind-PhD, Fuse), Premium, Publicis Media (Zenith, Starcom, Blue 449), Repeat, Values.

Depuis 1996, cette association  est une instance de dialogue et de concertation avec les différents partenaires des médias et de la communication mais aussi entre les collaborateurs des Agences. Elle valorise  l’expertise média et hors-média, défend les intérêts collectifs de ses adhérents et les représente auprès de tous les acteurs du marché : pouvoirs publics, organismes professionnels et interprofessionnels, médias, annonceurs  et relais d’opinion.


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