Interactive Advertising Bureau
02 October 2018

Minor Update to the Policies of the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework relating to CMPs

IAB Europe has published a minor change affecting the Policies of the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework (“Framework”) on Wednesday, 3 October 2018.

The update exclusively addresses a paragraph under the heading “Working with Vendors” in the “Policies for CMPs”, that could have been understood as requiring CMPs to work exclusively with Vendors who participate in the Framework.

Such an exclusivity paragraph is inconsistent with the “Policies for Interacting with Users”, which stipulate that the UI must prominently distinguish between Framework participants and others and avoid confusing or misleading users about the Framework participation of any of the disclosed parties.

To resolve this inconsistency and address confusion it has caused, IAB Europe deleted the exclusivity language under the heading “Working with Vendors” in the “Policies for CMPs”, and replaced it with the following wording:

“If a CMP works with Vendors who are not registered with the MO, the CMP must make it possible for users to distinguish between Vendors registered with the Framework, and those who are not. CMPs must not mislead others as to the Framework participation of any of the Vendors who are not registered with the MO.”

No other changes have been made to the Policies at this time.

The new Policies Version 2018-10-03.2a replace the previous Version 2018-04-25.2.

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