Interactive Advertising Bureau
02 February 2017

Member blog - Meetrics - The importance of ad verification

UK advertisers spent about £606 million on online ads last year that didn’t meet minimum viewability thresholds, according to the latest quarterly benchmark report from Meetrics. And this is only the UK. Imagine the total amount for European market.

The benchmark contains measured impressions from all general devices as desktop, tablets/ipads, and smartphones/iphones. Within mobile both mobile web and in app is covered. Over the course of a quarter, Meetrics measures billions of ad impressions. In the final quarter of 2016, only 55% of banner ads served in the European market met the IAB and Media Ratings Council’s recommendation that 50% of the ad was in view for at least 1 second. The utilization of ad verification solutions for digital marketing campaigns is very promising to reduce this significant amount, to strengthen the brand perception and to save advertisers millions and millions of marketing budgets. But not only money should be a reason to drive ad verification solutions forward. Ad Fraud is much in the limelight in 2017. To protect an ad from fraudulent activities every advertiser can reduce the risk by including a verification specialist to overlook their campaigns.

The original report is available here.

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