Interactive Advertising Bureau
20 August 2018

Member blog: Digital Out of Home and OMD campaign for HP

By Ezgi Doganay Aksit , Associate Digital Director, OMD Turkey and Gökberk Ertunç, Senior Programmatic Executive, OMD Turkey

At the end of July 2018, IAB Europe, under the guidance of its Education and Training Committee, organised a webinar aiming to take a deeper look at Digital Out of Home and Digital Audio, from general consideration to practical applications. Moderated by Luís Marinho-Falcao, Director of Operations, IAB Portugal & CEO of Rikhozi Burson-Marsteller alongside presenters Jack Paget, Audio & Mobile Product Manager for Xaxis UK & Pan-Regional, covering Digital Audio, and Ezgi Doganay Aksit , Associate Digital Director, OMD Turkey and Gökberk Ertunç, Senior Programmatic Executive, OMD Turkey.

The OMD representatives provided a hands-on perspective over DOOH as implemented by them in campaign for HP Sprocket. Further to their participation in the webinar whose recording is available here, Ezgi and Gökberk prepared the below presentation, to go deeper into the mechanics behind their DOOH campaign and their take on what is in store for this technology.

Expected to reach a global spend value of US 13.4 billion in 2017, and grow by 12.6% until 2023, digital out of home is one of the technologies at the bleeding edge of the industry garnering increased interest for marketers for a plethora of reasons. Convergence and integration with other channels, as well as the introduction of new channels altogether (think increasingly smart cities, connected and autonomous vehicles to name just two) is certainly something to look forward to for this marketing medium. While this comes packaged with certain concerns related to privacy and the transcendence of digital from inside to outside the home, the mass targeting capabilities of OOH will likely go a a long way in allaying several concerns tied to trust and transparency that currently plague the industry.

With more and more signals becoming actionable and a holistic approach to out of home, doubled by a likely standardisation of platforms and a wealth of new and better targeting options, DOOH is set to become an integral part of every marketer's toolkit?

The video showcasing the campaign for HP is available in the IAB Europe Programmatic Library and HERE.

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