Interactive Advertising Bureau
27 November 2020

IAB Europe Virtual Programmatic Day H2 2020 - TCF v2.0 Wrap-Up

IAB Europe’s second Virtual Programmatic Day of 2020 took place on the 19th of November and what an insightful day it was. Featuring speakers from IAB Europe member companies and advertisers including IAB Tech Lab, OneTrust PreferenceChoices, Xandr, and more, the event was split into panel sessions to address and debate the hottest industry topics. From the programmatic landscape to the role of the Transparency & Consent Framework, no programmatic stone was left unturned.

TCF v2.0
The third panel of the event discussed the latest version of the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) v2.0. It explored market adoption, and future developments, whilst looking at the future of sustainable advertising in a privacy-centric world.

Townsend Feehan, CEO, IAB Europe moderated the panel and was joined by:

  • Stephanie Hanson – Offering Manager, OneTrust
  • Alex Cone – Senior Director, Product Management, IAB Tech Lab
  • Thomas Mendrina - Senior Director, Publisher Central Europe, Xandr

Event recording
Watch the session recording here.

Key Takeaways

  • Publishers have reacted positively to TCF v2.0. We have entered a new, more optimised phase of the framework where it’s less about getting it done, and more about how to do it well. With over 660 vendors now using the TCF v2.0 across 400,000 publishers, it is now widely adopted by the market. 
  • In terms of how aware consumers are of the improvements made in TCF v2.0, it’s still too early to tell. Consumers need to learn how to take control of their data and we need to give them time to do it. Providing a level of consistency within the industry and delivering consent via a vehicle that is familiar to consumers will help with this. 
  • With regards to the next stages for the TCF and how it will evolve, we need to reinforce what we have and ensure there is integrity in the supply chain that is interacting around it.
  • In regards to the fluidity of the digital advertising landscape, TCF will remain relevant. We may see a split between consumers who are comfortable having an identity built around them and those that are more disconnected. We should see this as an opportunity to educate consumers and provide transparent opt-in and opt-out standards.

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