Interactive Advertising Bureau
11 November 2021

IAB Europe Releases A New Guide To In-Gaming

Guide Provides Definitions and Best Practices for In-Game Advertising

11th November 2021, Brussels, Belgium: IAB Europe, the leading European-level industry association for the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem, has today released its ‘Guide to In-Gaming’ to provide a basic understanding of in-game advertising. It addresses the various formats available and how to buy and measure them, as well as the key considerations and best practices for buyers.

Having quickly transitioned from a quirky hobby to an invaluable source of connection, driven by console and mobile innovations, gaming brings people together and gives brands new opportunities to reach engaged audiences. Particularly post-pandemic, this topic has never been so relevant.

As such, this guide, written by a host of experts from the IAB Europe Channels and Formats Taskforce, is a fantastic resource for those who need an introduction to In-Gaming. Thanks to our knowledgeable contributors, including Anzu, GroupM, IAB France, Index Exchange, Oracle Advertising, SmartClip, Triton Digital, Xaxis, and Yahoo we are able to provide the perfect 101 Guide to this channel. 

Commenting on his contribution to the guide, Nick Woodford, Content Manager & Copywriter at Anzu said "As video game advertising continues to become a priority for brands and agencies everywhere, the IAB is doing a great job of bringing experts within this field together to help build a framework to ensure the space remains a safe, attractive, and accessible channel. It was vital for us to be part of this guide as we want to ensure that Anzu's narrative and focus align with the expectations and requirements of those helping to lay the right foundations for this space to continue thriving."

On the importance of brand safety in In-Gaming, as covered in the guide, Stevan Randjelovic, Director, Brand Safety & Digital Risk at GroupM said “Where advertising investment goes, brand safety issues follow. It is no different with gaming. Gaming has a few risk watchouts: fragmentation of supply, lack of measurement standards, presence of violence in games, the propensity of children’s audience, and more. However, that does not mean that the risk cannot be navigated. A smart marketer will approach this great opportunity with open eyes and keen interest, and will use the available tools, while working with the industry on the advancement of the gaming’s brand safety credentials, as we, at GroupM have been doing.’’

Commenting on the value of the guide, Ivone Schramm, Market Operations Manager, Triton Digital said  “I was honored to work on the IAB Europe Guide to In-Gaming. The guide details in-gaming advertising formats and best practices. Providing advertisers with the power to understand what options they have on each platform and how the user will interact with their advertisement is essential for creating well-targeted messaging.


The Guide is the first of IAB Europe’s work in this area and we will be working closely with our members to help further drive this channel forward.


Download the guide here.

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