Interactive Advertising Bureau
16 December 2020

IAB Europe Reaffirms Its Commitment to Transparency, Amid the Digital Services Act Release

16th December, 2020, Brussels, Belgium — The European Commission published its Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA), draft EU legislative acts to create a safer digital space for users of digital services, as well as a level playing field so that digital businesses can grow within the single market and compete globally. IAB Europe notes the Commission's interest in ensuring a sufficient level of transparency in digital advertising.

Against this background, we wish to reaffirm the industry’s commitment to maintaining transparency and quality across the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem, for all forms of trading. We continue our investment in industry-driven approaches and technical standards to generate said transparency and increase trust.

IAB Europe’s Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) is but one example of a standard which contributes to these objectives, by operationalising the already significant transparency and accountability requirements under the GDPR. Its transparency mechanisms empower users to make informed choices regarding the processing of their personal data as well as identities of companies that process the data in connection with the delivery of digital advertising and measurement, while its due diligence record keeping requirements contribute to accountability of the parties involved in the ad placement process.

We encourage endorsement of industry-driven approaches by the EU policymaker, as it helps in driving the market participation, and ensuring the continued uptake of market solutions. Any successful action in the digital ads ecosystem must be a collective effort shared by the whole supply chain, requiring investment from all parties involved: marketers, agencies, publishers and technology companies alike.

We look forward to engaging with the EU policymakers and legislators on the DSA dossier, to ensure that digital advertising can continue to support a pluralistic media and Europeans’ access to the free and open internet dependent on ad-supported content.


For more information, please contact:

Greg Mroczkowski, Director, Public Policy -

Helen Mussard, Marketing & Industry Strategy Director, IAB Europe -

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