Interactive Advertising Bureau
04 May 2015

IAB Europe Mobile Brand Builders

IAB Europe’s Mobile Brand Builders, a suite of five recommended mobile brand advertising formats, offer a new branding environment to advertisers.

Following on from the PC and Tablet in-page Brand Builder formats published last year, IAB Europe’s Mobile Ad Formats Task Force identified two key challenges in the mobile landscape:


  • The landscape of mobile ad formats across Europe is extremely cluttered (verified through a survey conducted by IAB Europe). This means that planning and booking mobile branding campaigns is complex and costly creating an entry hurdle especially for medium-budget campaigns.
  • There is a constant growing number of mobile devices leading to a plethora of different screen sizes and resolutions. This results in an increasing number of (device specific) aesthetically unpleasing placement of ads within web pages and apps, i.e. ads originally developed for one screen size appearing on a device with a different screen size.

The recommendation aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Drive brand investment into digital
  2. Fuel the increase of brand advertising on mobile through Programmatic Trading
  3. Simplify the landscape of mobile ad formats across Europe
  4. Reduce the processes and costs related with planning and booking national and Europe-wide brand advertising campaigns

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