Interactive Advertising Bureau
22 February 2016

European Education in figures - a broad overview of 2015 and plans for 2016 at National IAB level - Part 1

2015 has been a turning point for Digital Education at IAB Europe. We’re on a mission to help grow the Digital Advertising industry at European level, and Education and Training is a big part of that. Among other initiatives, in 2015 we started the groundwork needed to have the hard work and efforts of European IABs in the field of Education be better and more widely recognized. In 2016 we will continue and expand this work, and to this aim, we’re putting together a blog series summarising the initiatives developed by our National members.

Total number of students and professionals enrolled in just 11 National IAB-developed and run courses expected to exceed 1.5k for 2015 and 2016  


Already in the later stages of the IAB Europe Endorsement Programme, IAB Romania is operating in a relatively small market, but has high ambitions in the field of Digital Education. With only one course delivered in 2015 (graduated by 13 specialists) and with big plans for 2016, IAB Romania hired a very experienced project manager to lift the Education Programme off the ground in 2016. The IAB Academy  launched recently as an ample education initiative divided into two tracks: an introductory package aimed at those looking to broaden their understanding of all things digital, and a deep-dive track targeted at professionals. The former is comprised of six courses, while the latter encompasses four more. IAB Romania aims to have close to 100 students and professionals graduate its IAB Academy in 2016, a realistic goal in light of the quality the programme offers.

IAB Romania’s IAB Academy will also be featured as part of our monthly Education in the spotlight series which promotes the courses enrolled in the IAB Europe Endorsement Programme.

14 out of 15 courses delivered by National IABs in 2015 were offered at discounted prices to IAB members 


At the heart of a strong Education Programme with great results and over 500 graduates until 2015 is IAB Switzerland’s IAB Academy. Comprised of six basic modules and the same number of advanced courses, this initiative upholds the highest standards in education through an array of tools ensuring top-notch quality. From the detailed feedback forms distributed at the end of each course, to the expertise of the trainers delivering said courses, IAB CH’s IAB Academy sets the bar very high in terms of National IAB-run training programmes. Delivered in German and developed in association with IAB CH’s own members this is one of the most successful training programmes in Europe. The IAB CH IAB Academy is also enrolled in the IAB Europe Endorsement Programme.

Our Education in the spotlight series will feature a more in-depth article on the IAB CH IAB Academy in an upcoming article.

The most inexpensive course in 2015 was the free course offered by IAB Turkey to SMEs 


Another strong Education Programme belongs to IAB Turkey, which is also considering enrolling one or more of its courses in the Endorsement Programme offered by IAB Europe. Their efforts in 2015 were exemplary, IAB TR boasting close to 150 students and professionals attending its courses last year, and more are expected to take advantage of the comprehensive courses in 2016. The IAB TR course curricula range from a Digital Marketing Communication Certificate Program, the Cornetto Unichallenge+ (University students digital boot camp), all the way to the highly successful re-KOBİ, a Digital 101 Online Education Programme targeted at SMEs. The latter alone accounts for 61 students enrolling in IAB TR-developed programmes last year.  In 2016, IAB TR has already started strong in the field of education with a bespoke digital sales training course delivered to a local digital video network, a course attended by over 60 professionals.

The IAB Europe Endorsement Programme is offered free of charge to all its National members T3 and up, and to its T1 corporate members


Sharing the same corner of Europe with IAB Romania, IAB Hungary has developed a tremendously impressive Digital Mastercourse (Digitális Mesterkurzus), a four-day cornucopia of information providing its students with an overview of the digital marketing environment. With 30 students attending 32 lectures in 2015, and a new session boasting 30 lecturers scheduled for Q3 2016, this training programme is truly an initiative worthy of being emulated in any market. The E-mail Marketing Academy Basic track, which recorded 22 students in Q4 2015, and was expanded to include an Advanced track scheduled to be launched in Q2 2016 is another successful IAB HU-led initiative in the field of education.

Read part 2 here.

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