Interactive Advertising Bureau
02 August 2021

Do You Have An Attitude Towards Programmatic Advertising? Have Your Say by Friday!

According to the recently released AdEx 2020 study, the European digital ad market is now programmatic first with 50.6% of all display spend now transacted programmatically. Programmatic is a big deal. But to really understand the status of programmatic adoption across Europe on both the buy and the sell-side of the digital advertising industry, we need your help! What are the trends and developments you are seeing? Is CTV the future? Is talent recruitment an issue? What barriers are stopping investment?

IAB Europe is inviting all stakeholders, from advertisers and agencies to ad tech and publishers, to answer the 2021 Programmatic Survey and have your say! Take part here. 

Now in its seventh year, this survey aims to illustrate the current adoption of and attitudes towards programmatic advertising. The results will help inform the IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee that provides guidance on developing a programmatic advertising strategy for publishers, agencies, and advertisers.

The deadline to complete the survey is Friday 6th August and it takes just 10 minutes to complete. Plus your response will be treated in the strictest confidence and all respondents will be sent a copy of the 2021 report with full results.

Help us uncover how programmatic advertising attitudes, adoption, and strategies are evolving. Take the survey today!

Check out last year’s report to see what the findings provide so much value and insight.

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