IAB Europe is delighted to share the press release from Sirdata announcing the appointment of their CEO Benoît Oberlé as TCF Steering Group Vice-Chair. Please see below for an introduction of the press release. Please visit Sirdata's website for full details.
Paris, February 24th 2020, Sirdata has been informed of the recent appointment of its CEO Benoît Oberlé, also an IAB France Board member, as Vice-Chair of the Transparency & Consent Framework Steering Group (SG), the ePrivacy and GDPR compliance standardized solution built by the industry for the industry, and managed by IAB Europe.
Benoît Oberlé: “The Transparency and Consent Framework represents the first and only global self-regulatory initiative that brings security to each Internet user and to all those involved in digital advertising. In addition to being a tool that helps towards achieving compliance with the GDPR and ePrivacy directive, this initiative allows a constructive interaction between regulators and industry, and gives back control over personal data to consumers and publishers”.
In terms of governance, IAB Europe’s TCF Steering Group (SG) was created as an advisory group, holding IAB Europe as the managing organisation (MO) of the TCF, to account for the delivery of policies that will adhere to GDPR requirements. The TCF Steering Group currently includes the following Working groups (WG):