Interactive Advertising Bureau
28 March 2018

Press release: IAB Turkey Releases 2017 Digital Ad Spend

IAB Turkey AdEx-TR 2017 Report reveals that Digital ad spend in Turkey reached TRY 2,163 Billion with a growth rate of 15.5%.

According to IAB Turkey AdEx-TR survey, Display ad spend reached TRY 1,228 billion by growing 16%.  “Advertising based on Display/Click” had the biggest share under Display category with TRY 879.7 million. Within the same category, Video ad spend having the highest growth rate of 50% reached to a value of TRY 269.5 million and native a value of TRY 78.6 million.

While the ad spend of Search was TRY 814.5 million in 2017, ‘Classified & Directories” increased to 103 million TL. E-mail marketing declined to TRY 5.1 million. On the other hand, In-game advertising reached TRY 13 million.

Out of 2,163 billion, TRY 1,093 billion including display, search, classified & directories, e-mail marketing, and in-game advertising was spent on mobile platforms. And the share of mobile platforms in social media ad spend was 76%.

On the other hand, Programmatic experienced another double-digit growth year and hit TRY 1,411 billion.

IAB Turkey’s Chairman Dr. Mahmut Kurşun said “IAB Turkey’s Multiplier Effect of Digital Advertising Report prepared in cooperation with IPSOS Turkey and Bosphorus University Administrative Sciences Faculty, states that every TRY 1 invested to digital advertising increases national income by TRY 17.2. Keeping in mind this fact, double-digit growth means a lot to the advertising industry and the economy.

Until now Digital was accepted as fueling the advertising industry in general, from now on a more important concept will be in our agenda: Direct Brand Economy.  Direct Brand Economy was first explained in the opening speech of IAB Annual Leadership meeting as being a huge change or rather a revolution.   

Direct Brand Economy has an infinite number of stores and shelves, infinite production capacity and all goods are delivered to the door for 7/24. In this economy small businesses, start-ups can compete with giants. Cloud technology, data, and insight are more important than investment capital. And digital advertising being at the heart of Direct Brand Economy takes the lead of this groundbreaking change.

Direct Brands of Direct Economy have lots to do. As IAB Turkey, we’ll be working to contribute the success of the brands where fluency of Internet is a must.”

2016 2017 Change
Total Digital Advertising Investments* 1.872,42 2.162,56 15,50%
Display Advertising Investments 1.059,14 1.227,76 15,92%
Advertising based on Display/Click 821,37 879,66 7,10%
Video 179,80 269,50 49,89%
Native 57,97 78,59 35,59%
Search Advertising Investments 706,62 814,49 15,27%
Keyword based advertising 706,62 814,49 15,27%
İlan Sayfaları Reklam Yatırımları 91,06 102,51 12,57%
Others 15,60 17,80 14,08%
E-mail marketing 5,64 5,13 -9,10%
In-game advertising 9,96 12,67 27,21%

* Creative executions, CRM works and SEO investments are excluded.

Social media** 262,43 340,29 29,67%
Mobile** 601,02 1.093,16 81,89%
Programmatic ** 993,79 1.410,58 41,94%


** Social media, mobile and programmatic are included under Format based Digital Ad Investments and should not be added to the total value.

*1€ = 4.12 TL / 1$ = 3.65 TL (Central Bank of Republic of Turkey 2017 Daily Avg. Effective Exchange Rates)

IAB Turkey

IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) is active in 45 countries and conducts its operations in order to develop interactive advertising and grow its share among overall marketing investments. In accordance with this purpose, IAB continuously demonstrates advertisers, agencies and media agencies the added-value of interactive communication. IAB is based in the USA and country-based organization in Europe is coordinated by IAB Europe. IAB Turkey first established as a platform in 2007 by 23 industry representatives in order to set the standards in advertising and marketing fields of digital industry. In July 2011, IAB Turkey has become an association and currently, it has 150 members. For detailed information:

Originally published here.

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