Interactive Advertising Bureau
04 June 2019

MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Cornetto Mobile In Love (Mindshare)


Cornetto Mobile İn Love

Awards: Video Advertising (Bronze)

Campaign summary
In 2018, a Wattpad story series became a top hit amonst youngsters, generated anormous talkability and the story was adapted to a movie, 4N1K. As Cornetto, we have partnered with 4N1K project starting from the script-writing process and created an integrated strategy that will cover all channels, will introduce first-ever user experiences and generate high levels of interaction and talkability around our branded contents throughout the season.
Creative focus was to enrich user experience at every medium with integration of new formats, media firsts and exclusive contents. We knew youth brands was gonna have integrations in 4N1K and our strategy was to be the by far top-of-mind brand that was associated with 4N1K above all.
Campaign results over-achieved initial targets in terms of the time spent interacting with our branded content, reaching first ever levels of view time, organic view rates, social interactions and positive mentions, shared in detail in the results.

  1. Objectives and Strategy
    Cornetto has a longstanding brand purpose of “being the ice cream of love” amongst youngsters. Since 2013, we have created high levels of interaction with our target audience via “Cornetto Love Songs”, media first interactions with youngsters on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, programmatic banners etc. Each year, more&more brands were trying to associate with love amongst younsters and it’s getting harder for Cornetto to remain as the by far top of mind brand amongst youngsters that’s associated with love.
    In 2018, a Wattpad story series became a top hit amonst youngsters, generated anormous talkability and the story was adapted to a movie, 4N1K. As Cornetto, we have partnered with 4N1K project starting from the script-writing process and created an integrated strategy that will cover all channels, will introduce first-ever user experiences and generate high levels of interaction and talkability around our branded contents throughout the season.
  2. Execution and Media
    Our target audience were talking about and longing for a sequel of 4N1K.
    Right at that period, we have launched a mini-webisode with 3 episodes on Cornetto Youtube channel, screenplay & starring by 4N1K screenwriter and cast. We have created a mobile platform that mimic one of the lead characters’ smart phone and lead viewers to sneak through his phone and unreveal his secrets, if there’s any. Viewers were able to go through his gallery, instant messaging and playlists in music apps. The playlists also included the Cornetto songs from previous years. The contents of the phone were complementary to the screenplay of each episode, deeping the content consumption and brand interaction experience across screens & formats.
    This year’s Cornetto song also became the soundtrack of 4N1K sequel.
    We’ve continued the integrated communication in 4N1K’s TV series with scenario integrations, simultaneously sharing CTA’s leading youngsters to purchase Cornetto from Getir.
  3. Creative
    Creative focus was to enrich user experience at every medium with integration of new formats, media firsts and exclusive contents. We knew youth brands was gonna have integrations in 4N1K and our strategy was to be the by far top-of-mind brand that was associated with 4N1K above all.
    We have deepened the experience of viewing the webisodes via the media first mobile integration. Launched this year’s song as part of the movie launch boosting the impact and strengthening Cornetto’s association with the show. We’ve perfromed couple of creative integrations season-wide keeping us in the spotlight along with 4N1K.
  4. Innovation
    Along with all innovative uses of media mentioned above, designing an interface that would completely mimic a phone and enabling people to have somewhat like a “read only access” to someone’s phone via an online platform was an innovative interface and content design. The content composed of video, interactive display an audio items, to ensure the phone-like experience. Speed and responsiveness of the infrastructure was also critical to create a seamless user experience. This was an important challenge in the project, since each time a new episode was released and announced via Cornetto and 4N1K social media channels, a huge number of viewers were interacting with the mobile content at the same time, exceeding the estimated number of simultaneous user on the platform. We have ensured seamless UX via ongoing development, testing & improvement cycles throughout the project.

    5. Results
    Cornetto reached 14 million unique users with the integrated brand experience designed across various content platforms of 4N1K covering TV, digital channels and cinema.
    3 webisodes reached a 74% organic view rate, a rate no branded content has achieved before in Turkey. All 3 videos were listed in the top 5 most organically spreaded videos list. Total view time of the webisodes reached 41 million minutes, with a 5-minute average view time per video, which became a CPG industry record level.
    Cornetto Youtube channel gained 35k new subscribers, becoming the second most followed CPG brand in Turkey.
    Viewers interacted with the leading character’s phone content, the second screen mobile platform, for 147.000 minutes.
    During the project timeline, social media interactions mentioning Cornetto doubled, while the ratio of positive mentions increased to 93%.

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