Interactive Advertising Bureau
23 February 2018

Mindshare Turkey for MAC Cosmetics

As more digital out-of-home inventory becomes buyable programmatically, new use cases are appearing. Mindshare Turkey ran a month-long campaign for MAC Cosmetics on the digital out-of-home inventory integrated to the Awarion programmatic OOH exchange in two busy malls where the brand has stores.

As research shows, proximity of out-of-home positively correlates to store visits for advertisers. With data coming from the brand's store analytics platform on how many visits and purchases were occurring on an hourly basis, optimisation on when and how frequently to buy DOOH became possible. Using Platform 161 DSP, real-time changes to the campaign was possible without the need for manual communication.

In addition to the targeting strategy, a creative strategy was deployed in order to show the right creatives at quiet and busy moments of stores. The results of this programmatic OOH campaign optimised to first-party data was staggering; week-on-week sales increased 28% compared to 13% at malls where non-programmatic DOOH buys were carried out through traditional insertion order buys.

Watch the case study here.

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