Interactive Advertising Bureau
02 August 2017

Member report: commissioned by Google - Why the growth of mobile apps is good news for brands

The screen in our hands is now the gateway to the online world - the first choice to answer any questions, accomplish any tasks, stay informed and entertain for hours. Marketers may assume that apps offer limited opportunities to reach and engage audiences, but new research from Ipsos MORI shows that’s false. Apps play a very important role in consumers’ daily lives.

Ipsos MORI asked 12,301 smartphone users, aged 18-64, across the UK, US, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands how they use mobile apps. They focused on four types of apps: games, news, sport and entertainment.

This new research suggests apps offer marketers a unique opportunity to achieve reach, frequency and engagement.

You can browse or download the report and accompanying infographic below.

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