Interactive Advertising Bureau
02 July 2019

Ionuț Radu Munteanu - IAB Romania Recommended

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A perpetual student of the human mind, passionate marketer, full-time entrepreneur, that's Ionuț R. Munteanu. Licensed in Psychology and Sociology with extensive marketing experience, he
has helped over 500+ businesses and coached young professionals guiding them in digital marketing.

Through online programs and speaking on stages, Ionuț has reached thousands. He totaled almost 20 000 hours of strategy, analytics and optimization work in his professional life.

Ionuț is the founding Partner of WebDigital, first specialized PPC Marketing Agency in Romania, founded around 2009, managing advertising portfolios for almost 100 active accounts across Central and Eastern Europe every month. 

He also serves as Managing Partner of UpGradient, a small software company, founded in 2017, designed to automate processes and offer solutions for marketing agencies.

A complete profile of Ionuț can be downloaded below.

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