Interactive Advertising Bureau
21 October 2021

Interested In Joining IAB Europe's New Technical Committee?

IAB Europe is excited to announce the launch of the IAB Europe Technical Committee and is inviting interested IAB Europe members to join and to help shape its agenda over the coming weeks. 

The Technical Committee will ensure that work done by other committees and taskforces, whether on the policy & legal compliance side or the industry promotion side, is grounded in a thorough understanding of the technology that underpins digital advertising delivery. It will be a forum for information exchange and technical projects, on how new technology trends in data processing, ad delivery, measurement, brand safety, ad fraud, ad serving and the whole programmatic ecosystem are affecting, and are expected to affect, the digital advertising business in our region and IAB Europe’s ability to support the industry to address the needs of consumers, clients and regulators

It will also ensure that IAB Europe's engagement with external bodies on technical topics, including the IAB Tech Lab, W3C and similar international standardisation fora, is informed by the necessary technical analysis and insight.

Participants should be technologists or software engineers, or others in a technical role within agencies, ad tech companies and publishers. National IABs who wish to participate but do not feel they have an in-house head who fits this profile should contact me to see what solution we can find. 

Although the IAB Europe team have already prepared a ‘starter list’ of topics to be addressed by the Committee, we would be pleased to hear bilaterally from anyone who has a suggestion, question or an idea. Please send them to IAB Europe's Technical Director, Alexandre Nderagakura (

IAB Europe is excited to be getting this new forum underway, and looks forward to working with you in it. 

To join the committee, please use this sign up form here. 


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