Interactive Advertising Bureau
03 June 2021

Interact Online 2021 - Event Wrap-Up

On 25th - 27th May 2021, IAB Europe hosted its flagship event live and online for all to see. 

The theme this year was ‘The Digital New Deal’ as we aimed to take stock of what is needed to ensure a sustainable and innovative future for the digital advertising and marketing industry. Across three afternoons we dived into the three pillars of IAB Europe, exploring industry initiatives, policy & data protection, and standards and frameworks.

Thanks so much to everyone who joined us live across the three days for Interact Online! And thank you to all of the amazing speakers who connected from across Europe and beyond to share their insights and expertise. With over 1400 people joining, this was our biggest Interact yet!

A big thank you to our event partners OneTrust, DoubleVerify, Relevant Digital, Google, and Magnite also. Thanks to their support, we were able to connect over a thousand people to hear panel discussions and keynotes on key topics for our industry.

If you didn't have the opportunity to join us live, fear not! In this post, you will find links to our event highlights, which include the overviews from each day, the sessions included, as well as video recordings for you to view in your own time. 

Event Highlights!

  • AdEx Benchmark 2020 Study - As always, we kicked off Interact with the AdEx Benchmark Study results. You can access the 2020 highlights here
  • Industry Initiatives - 25th May - If you would like to catch up on the first day of the event, you can watch the full video here. You can also access the individual panel and keynote videos here
  • Policy & Data Protection - 26th May - If you would like to catch up on the second day of the event, you can watch the full video here. You can also access the individual panel and keynote videos here
  • Standards & Frameworks - 27th May - If you would like to catch up on the final day of the event, you can watch the full video here. You can also access the individual panel and keynote videos here
  • MIXX & Research Awards 2021 - We also concluded day one of Interact Online by announcing the winners of our prestigious MIXX Awards Europe and IAB Europe Research Awards. You can view and celebrate this year’s winners here.  

Save the Date – Interact 2022 

Next year we hope to meet you face to face! Stay tuned for next year’s save the date and be sure to add it to your diary. 

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