MAY 6 @ 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
IAB Tech Lab’s education and adoption effort for all the latest programmatic supply chain releases is full steam ahead! IAB Tech Lab is hosting a full day event for engineers and technology leaders, “Innovation Day: Transparency and Securing the Supply Chain” in New York City on May 6th 2019.
This event is for technical and operations teams who are building the future of programmatic supply chain technology, including those from brands, agencies, and publishers. For this event, our supply chain scope includes authenticating publisher media inventory, providing transparent paths through ad tech SSP/Exchange platforms, reducing fraud, and serving trusted advertiser creative on purchased impressions. Attendees will deep dive into critical technical standards, remaining supply chain vulnerabilities and take away inputs for engineering roadmaps in 2019.
Learn more and register here.
As an industry, we made huge strides in securing the supply chain last year, and the fight continues as the latest ad technology standards are adopted. This full-day event will be packed with fresh takes on fighting remaining fraud vectors and adopting technical standards for programmatic transparency. You’ll learn about updated technologies like OpenRTB 3.0, OpenDirect 2.0, AdCOM 1.0, app-ads.txt and more, and leave with actionable insights for platform development.