Interactive Advertising Bureau
03 April 2023

IAB Europe’s New Research & Insights Forum

IAB Europe is pleased to announce the launch of its new Research & Insights Forum, which is an evolution of its long-standing Research Committee. The group will meet once per quarter and will comprise of research, insights and measurement experts from across the Digital Advertising and Marketing industry. 

The Forum’s core focus will be to receive and share key industry stats and insights and provide strategic oversight and direction on all of IAB Europe’s research activities.  Each meeting will feature insights updates from the IAB Europe team, member-led discussions on key industry trends, plus a roundtable discussion on IAB Europe’s research agenda and calendar. 

The group is currently Chaired by Mike Mullholland, Partner Measurement & reporting at Mindshare Worldwide who is supported by the Vice-Chair Gilles Giudicelli, representing IAB France and Head of Customer Experience at Criteo. 

The Forum is open to all IAB Europe members.If you are interested in joining then please contact Marie-Clare Puffett, Marketing & Insights Director.

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