Interactive Advertising Bureau
20 May 2019

IAB Europe Webinar Recording: TCF v2.0 – The full overview for Publishers

IAB Europe, in partnership with the IAB Tech Lab, announced on 25th April that the Policies and Technical Specifications for version 2.0 of the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) are being made available for public comment. The opportunity to comment will last for 30 days, up to 25th May 2019.

During this consultation period, IAB Europe hosted a webinar for Publishers, to provide a full overview on the TCF v2.0. This 1.5-hour information session includes a 45-minute presentation from key contributors to TCF v2.0 and a 45-minute Q&A session to answer questions from participants.

Download the Presentation slides HERE. And watch the Video recording HERE.


Note: Due to the technical issues encountered in the first webinar, the webinar here above is a second recording. As a result the names or titles of the speakers may have changed between the first and the second recording.

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IAB Europe
Rond-Point Robert
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