Interactive Advertising Bureau
28 May 2019

IAB Europe Webinar: Blockchain Demystified - 16.00 CEST / 25 September

This webinar aims to build on the Blockchain Demystified white paper published in April and delve deeper - in an impartial way - into a technology that has the potential to revolutionise the digital advertising industry. Its promises, its shortcomings, and essentially its future will be dissected by a roster of experts in the field, from both Europe and the US. More importantly, the webinar will provide attendees with the opportunity to get answers to their most pressing questions related to blockchain in a live Q&A session.

Join us at 15.00 BST / 16.00 CEST on 25 September

Moderator and speaker

  • Anton Kopytov, Partner Technology Consulting, Mindshare Worldwide and Chair of the IAB Europe Research Committee


  • Jason Manningham, General Manager, Blockgraph (part of FreeWheel)
  • Samuel Zwaan, EU Product Lead Programmatic Advertising, eBay
  • Tom Kersahw, Chief Technology Officer, Rubicon Project
  • Shailley Singh, Vice President, Product Management, IAB Tech Lab
  • Toccara Baker, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Ad Cloud, EMEA, Adobe


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