Interactive Advertising Bureau
22 July 2018

IAB Europe White Paper: Using Data Effectively in Programmatic V2.0 (GDPR Update)

The IAB Europe Using Data Effectively in Programmatic White Paper (first published in November 2016) has been updated to reflect the changing nature of the European data landscape. This updated version includes revised content with an additional section covering GDPR considerations and new case studies.

Ben Geach (Global Product Strategy Director at Oracle Data Cloud) led the white paper update with input from Thomas Park (Senior Product Director, Advertising Products at Adform) and Chris Hartsuiker (Manager, Privacy and Public Policy at IAB Europe).

Ben commented:

“Updating this white paper has been necessary in light of the changing data landscape within Europe. It’s critical the ecosystem is well educated about how to use data for their success criteria - both knowing when to use different data types and when not to. We're on a journey to becoming a more data literate industry, to really understand the value captured in data. This market-wide renaissance will create a space for more impactful insights than ever before. The white paper acts as a practical guide to achieve this.”

The V 2.0 white paper addresses:

  • The types of data available, the benefits and challenges of each data type and key legal and privacy considerations
  • How to build an audience with the available data
  • Key considerations for using data effectively
  • Data in a cross-device environment and the opportunities and challenges
  • GDPR considerations for using data in advertising

Download the paper below

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