Interactive Advertising Bureau
28 June 2017

IAB Europe report: AdEx Benchmark 2016 – the definitive guide to Europe’s online advertising market

IAB Europe, in collaboration with IHS Markit, has  published the eleventh AdEx Benchmark 2016 Report1 – the definitive guide to the state of the European online advertising market.  The report reveals the key milestones culminating in this year’s market value of €41.9bn. Having overtaken TV ad spend for the first time in 2015, online advertising now leads TV by over €7bn.

2016 was the seventh consecutive year of double-digit growth for online advertising which continues to be driven by mobile and video. Core to this growth is creative innovation allowing more seamless integration of mobile and video ad formats into media content, as banner overlays are replaced by context-adaptive and native formats.

Online advertising again compensated for declines or slower growth in other media to drive a historical all-media advertising market high in Europe of €112.4bn.

Click below to download the report and click here to see the Press Release. You can also register for the AdEx Benchmark 2016 webinar here.

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