Interactive Advertising Bureau
02 October 2024

IAB Europe Publishes Repository of European IAB’s Initiatives

IAB Europe has released a new document titled ‘Repository of European IAB’s Initiatives for Responsible Digital Advertising’, showcasing a range of initiatives related to digital advertising from IAB Europe and its National Federation members. 

The repository includes contributions from IABs and Federations across various countries, including BVDW (Germany), Alliance Digitale (France), IAB Greece, IAB Italy, IAB Poland, IAB Portugal, IAB Romania, IAB Slovakia, IAB Slovenia, IAB Spain, and IAB Sweden.

This repository highlights the collective efforts of IAB Europe and these National IABs to promote a better and more sustainable digital advertising ecosystem. It outlines industry-led initiatives that align with and support key European Union digital policy priorities. These initiatives focus on:

  • Respecting user privacy online
  • Creating a safer online environment for everyone, especially children
  • Supporting the completion of the digital single market
  • Building a more sustainable digital industry
  • Enhancing digital skills for professionals

As these initiatives continue to evolve alongside technological advancements, consumer behaviour, and regulatory changes, IAB Europe and its members remain open and committed to pursuing new initiatives for the industry. We also welcome ongoing dialogue with policymakers and regulators on any of the matters discussed.

View the Repository here.

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