Interactive Advertising Bureau
23 February 2016

IAB Europe Programmatic case studies buy-side webinar – 16 March

Library of Programmatic case studies buy-side webinar

Wednesday 16th March 15.00 CET / 14.00 GMT

Following on from the launch of our programmatic library which to illustrates good practice and aims to increase understanding, IAB Europe is hosting a buy-side webinar, the second in a two-part series. The webinar will feature insights from a brand advertiser as well as drawing on some of the case studies within the library.

The webinar will feature speakers from L’Oreal, ZenithOptimedia, Adform, AppNexus and Rocket Fuel.

Visit the programmatic library here

>> Please register here

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Watch the recordings of our Library of Programmatic sell-side, Road to Programmatic Buy-Side Considerations, Road to Programmatic Operational Considerations, and European Online Advertising Spend webinars.

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IAB Europe
Rond-Point Robert
Schuman 11
1040 Brussels
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