Interactive Advertising Bureau
23 January 2017

IAB Europe Panel: d3con – International Experts challenge - 13.30, March 14, Hamburg

d3con is the world's biggest event on the topic of Programmatic Advertising. More than 1,500 top-level participants, from leading advertisers, agencies, publishers and service providers, meet every year in Hamburg to discuss, to network and to learn. This year the conference will take place on March 14th in Hamburg and will focus on THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL ADVERTISING!

We are happy to announce that Alison Fennah, Executive Business Advisor at IAB Europe will moderate the “International Experts Challenge“ panel at 13.30 on March 14 which deals with the topic about the newest trends in programmatic advertising and what the German market can learn from the colleagues in UK and the US. The full event programme is accessible here.

The following participants are destined for the discussion, which should be lead in English:

John Wittesaele, Xaxis
Pierre Chappaz, Teads
Aylin Demiral, Sociomantic Labs
Mark Forster, Adèle
Tom Kershaw, Rubicon Project
Katie Erbs, Google

Watch the trailer.

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