IAB Europe is delighted to launch its new Economic Trends Forum.
Led by Dr. Daniel Knapp, IAB Europe’s Chief Economist and supported by the Marketing team, this new forum will offer market analysis and industry insights for IAB Europe’s corporate members and network of National IABs. Every 8 weeks, a webinar or face to face event will be hosted. Free for members to attend, each forum will focus on a different industry topic with a detailed analysis of the marketplace. A member Q&A will be a part of all sessions to surely generate some lively debate and discussions. IAB Europe’s Economic Trends Forum will also be producing some great written content which will be hosted on our website.
In addition, Tier 1 IAB Europe members will be able to access exclusive free analyst hours. With direct access to IAB Europe’s Chief Economist, Tier 1 companies can gain market insights and trends focused to their business needs. For more information, please contact the marketing team – Helen Mussard (mussard@iabeurope.eu) and Marie-Clare Puffett (puffett@iabeurope.eu).
The first Economic Trends Forum will be a webinar on 25th July at 15.00 CEST / 14.00 BST. The focus of the first Forum will be the size, growth and spending dynamics across the region, drawing on insights from IAB Europe's flagship AdEx Benchmark study.
Register here for the first Economic Trends Forum webinar on 25th July. In order to register, members can contact the IAB Europe team for the event registration password.
A schedule of upcoming events will be available on the IAB Europe website in the coming weeks.