Interactive Advertising Bureau
24 July 2019

Member-exclusive: Economic Trends Forum - Webinar Recording

IAB Europe’s new Economic Trends Forum kicked off on 25 July with a deep dive into the trends defining the digital advertising industry. Our Chief Economist, Dr. Daniel Knapp provided a fascinating insight into the macro-economic environment, market conditions, formats and structural change across the European landscape. He also took questions from members as part of the session to help fuel further engagement and member interaction. You can listen to the recording below to get up to speed on the latest developments!

IAB Europe’s Economic Trends Forum offers market analysis and industry insights for our corporate members and network of National IABs. Every 8 weeks, a webinar or face to face event will be hosted. Free for members to attend, each forum will focus on a different industry topic with a detailed analysis of the marketplace. 

The next Economic Trends Forum focus on digital audio advertising will take place on 18 September in Paris - registrations will open shortly.

If you are a member, please log in and click below to watch the recording and download the deck:

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