CPDP is a conference about privacy and data protection. It offers a forum where different voices are heard and where positions are compared debated, approached or differentiated. More information about this conference is available on the official website here.
organised by Brussels Privacy Hub
Chair Wojciech Wiewiorowski, EDPS (EU)
Moderator Pat Walshe, Privacy Matters (UK)
Panel Rosa Barcelo, DG Connect (EU), Cornelia Kutterer, Microsoft (BE), Joe McNamee, EDRi (EU), Matthias Matthiesen, IAB Europe (EU), Angela Mills Wade, European Publisher’s Council (EU), Michele Voznick, DG Just (EU)
The review of the ePrivacy Directive, as ignited by the release of the GDPR, is likely to be the next milestone in the EU data protection overhaul currently under way. Further, the public consultation results, as made available by the Commission, completed a process that started as early as 2015. This review is critical in view of the importance of the electronic communications industry in the EU and the declared Commission objective to “enhance security and confidentiality of communications”. The interrelationship between the GDPR provisions and the forthcoming legal instrument will be an issue of the utmost interest. Parts of the e-Privacy Directive only apply to providers of publicly available communication service, such as phone companies and internet access providers. Many feel that that scope is too narrow. But it is contentious what the scope of the e-privacy rules should be. Also hotly debated are the rules on cookies and similar tracking technologies.