Interactive Advertising Bureau
08 October 2021

Are You An Advertiser or An Agency? Have Your Say in Our In-Housing Survey

IAB Europe is inviting all advertisers and agencies to answer the 2021  In-Housing Survey! Take part here. 

In-housing programmatic trading has gone from a nascent trend in recent years to a term that more and more brands and agencies are familiar with. But what is the current status of programmatic in-housing in Europe, and how will it evolve in the future?

If you're an advertiser or an agency, please help us to understand the current landscape by sharing your thoughts and experience of programmatic in-housing by completing this short survey.

The deadline to complete the survey has been extended to Friday 5th November, and it takes just 5 minutes to complete. Plus your response will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Help us uncover how programmatic in-housing is being adopted and what the future holds for this trend. Take the survey today!

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IAB Europe
Rond-Point Robert
Schuman 11
1040 Brussels
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