Interactive Advertising Bureau

Interact 2024 - The Big Questions. The Smart Answers. 

Our 2024 agenda went beyond standard keynote presentations and panel discussions,  as we brought the ‘interactive’ back to Interact with each session framed around a key question that our elite, expert speakers endeavoured to answer.

No beating around the bush. It was all about those smart answers that you’re after. Plus we addressed additional questions live on stage, through  engaging polls and audience Q&As. 

Check out the 2024 speakers and sponsors and the agenda we covered below.


Tickets included the two-day conference and cocktail reception at the end of day one of the conference, enabling attendees to continue networking and celebrating into the evening.  

21st May 2024

Agenda (CET) 

09:45 - 10:45 - Registration & Coffee

10:45 - 10:55 - Welcome & Introduction

11:00 - 11:30 - AdEx Benchmark 2023 - Where is Future Advertising Growth Coming From?

In this opening keynote presentation, IAB Europe’s Chief Economist, Daniel Knapp will reveal the top-level results from IAB Europe’s widely-anticipated 2023 AdEx Benchmark Report to show where future advertising growth will come from.

Covering 28 markets, AdEx Benchmark is the definitive guide to digital advertising expenditure in Europe. Daniel will dive into the different channels and formats and other macroeconomic factors that have contributed to the latest ad spend results and will share everything you need to know about the digital advertising landscape, and where it is headed in Europe, today. 


  • Daniel Knapp, Chief Economist at IAB Europe

11:30 - 12:00 - What do Buyers Really Want from Digital Advertising?

Following the opening keynote, a panel of leading brand speakers will dive into, discuss, debate, and reveal the secrets of what they are really looking for when it comes to digital advertising. They will share priorities and focus areas, innovative areas that excite them, and their thoughts on what they think is driving the future of digital advertising. 


  • Hannah Bowler, Senior Reporter at The Drum (Moderator) 
  • Tiernan Omorain, Digital Transformation Director at Diageo
  • Alessandra Marinacci, Head of Brand at TIM Group

12:00 - 12:15 - What is the New Intersection of Creativity and Technology?

This session will explore the evolving relationship between creativity and technology in content creation. Our speakers will delve into how agencies are harnessing emerging technologies to push the boundaries of storytelling and brand communication. From immersive experiences to AI-driven content, the panel will discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in leveraging technology to enhance creativity. 


  • Constantine Kamaras, Chairman Emeritus, IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Sergio Amati, General Manager, IAB Italy
  • Erika Fattori, Group Brand & Communication Director, Nexi

12:20 - 12:35 - How Does the End of Cookies Lead to Better Digital Marketing?

The abolition of cookies is not imminent, it has already happened. Alternative targeting technologies have long been established - and today deliver better performance values than historical cookie-based approaches. Join Mediaplus and learn why data minimisation makes digital marketing better, not weaker.


  • Sascha Dolling, General Manager at Mediaplus
  • Erika Barbieri, Client Lead at Mediaplus Italia, Mediaplus Italy 

12:40 - 12:55 - Leading Players Are Preparing for Third-Party Cookie Deprecation. Are You Ready?

Hear from Google and Adlook as they discuss how future-thinking ecosystem players are preparing for third-party cookie deprecation. Join to learn about innovative solutions being built on Privacy Sandbox technologies and what you can do today to get ready for the post-cookie world.


  • Hanne Tuomisto-Inch, Director, Privacy Sandbox Partnerships EMEA, Google
  • Lukasz Abgarowicz, Global VP of Sales at Adlook (Part of RTB House) 

13:00 - 14:00 - NETWORKING LUNCH 

14:00 - 14:30 - Is the Industry Ready for the End of Third-Party Cookies?

This session will explore the impending world without cookies. Discussing the current challenges, opportunities, and strategies for navigating the post-cookie era this panel will assess whether our industry is ready for this seismic shift and how strategies can be adapted to ensure effectiveness in the future. 


  • Pete Danks, IAB Europe’s Third-Party Cookie Working Group Lead (Moderator)
  • Christer Ljones, Director of Advertising Data Capabilities at Schibsted
  • Alex Cone, Privacy Sandbox Senior Product Manager at Google
  • Lawrence Horne, Country Director UK at Ogury

14:35 - 14:50 - In a Landscape of Uncertainty, How Can Marketers Leverage Digital Advertising to Deliver Superior Results? 

In a world affected by the pandemic, climate crises, and misinformation, marketers face numerous challenges. In this keynote, IAS’ Business Development Director, Michael Isaacs-Olaye will explore how advertisers can navigate these obstacles in their campaigns to protect brand equity and integrity, drive ROI, and scale towards superior results.

Learn strategies for combating misinformation, safeguarding brand reputation, and fostering consumer trust, and discover the importance of the adoption of tools available today to face ever-evolving circumstances.


  • Michael Issacs-Olaye, Business Development EMEA at Integral Ad Science (IAS)  

14:55 - 15:10 - What Does a Holistic Ad Tech Stack for Broadcasters Look Like?

The video landscape is evolving rapidly, transitioning from traditional linear TV to Advanced TV (ATV) and Connected TV (CTV), and now to Online Video. The recent announcement of the tech cooperation between RTL Deutschland and ProSiebenSat1 triggered a veritable earthquake in the media and marketing industry.

This keynote by RTL Group will explore the future outlook for this tech cooperation, what it can do, and how it opens up completely new performance dimensions in total video advertising for publishers, agencies, and advertisers.


  • Martin Hoberg, Chief International AdTech Officer at RTL Group 

15:15 - 15:45 - Is TV Programmatic Buying Finally Going Mainstream?

This session will bring industry leaders together to address the rise of TV programmatic buying in Europe. They will explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in this evolving and often complex landscape and will share insights and practical examples of how TV buying is moving to the mainstream.


  • Vincent Flood, Founder & Editor-in-Chief at VideoWeek (Moderator)
  • Beatriz Pérez Montequi, Head of Sales Italy & Spain at Samsung Ads
  • Anthony Katsur, CEO at IAB Tech Lab
  • Adrien Masson, Head of Ad Tech Sales, Southern Europe at Amazon Ads 

15:45 - 16:15 - After the Hype, is it Time For a Reckoning for Retail Media?

During this session, speakers will reflect on the current state of Retail Media in Europe and its future trajectory in digital advertising. They will explore what hurdles need to be overcome to fuel growth and innovation and what key opportunities retailers as media businesses present to brands. 


  • Marie-Clare Puffett, Industry Development & Insights Director at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Kim Ludlow, Head of International Retail Media Sales (EMEA & APAC) at Microsoft
  • James Allison, Director Market Development, Advertima
  • Marco Magnaghi, Managing Director,  GroupM Nexus, Italy
  • Luis Gisbert Lobo, Head of Retail Partnership for Iberia and Italy at Unlimitail 

16:15 - 16:30 - Are Fading Signals Creating New Opportunities?

As familiar data signals start to fade, new signals become more crucial. This session with Brand Metrics will explore the changing nature of campaign outcome data in shaping future strategies, drawing exclusive insights from 30,000+ brand lift measurements.


  • Anders Lithner, CEO, Brand Metrics

16:30 - 17:00 - Are We Measuring the Right Things?

The final session of the day will bring everything together to explore if we are measuring the right things and what our focus should be as we move into a new era of digital advertising. 


  • David Cohen, CEO at IAB US (Moderator)
  • Steve Lockwood, Head of Client Measurement at TikTok
  • Mattia Salvi, CEO & Co-Founder at Aryel
  • Nick Reid, SVP & Managing Director, EMEA at DoubleVerify
  • Alice Beecroft, Senior Director, Global Strategy & Partnerships at Yahoo Advertising 


19:00 - 21:00 - COCKTAIL RECEPTION

Join us at the end of Day One for a networking cocktail reception where we will bring stakeholders together to network with industry peers and celebrate the conference and the great work of our industry. 

22nd May 2024

08:30 - 09:15 - Registration & Coffee

09:15 - 09:20 - Welcome & Introduction

09:20 - 09:40 - How Can the Industry Support Ukraine?

Hear from IAB Ukraine’s CEO as she provides an update on the situation in Ukraine from her perspective and shares practical examples of how we as an industry can collaborate and continue to support Ukraine and drive digital advertising forward in the region. 


  • Anastasiya Baydachenko, CEO at IAB Ukraine

09:45 - 10:00 - Advertising's First Sustainability Standards Are Coming - Are You Ready?

Do you know which activities create the most carbon emissions? Or which areas of your business you should prioritise to reduce climate impact? What's your plan for complying with upcoming industry standards? how will you balance another campaign metric?
Sustainable advertising is achievable and creating a no-waste, clean ad ecosystem will benefit marketers, media owners and tech companies alike. Join this session to learn how more efficient, effective, and sustainable advertising is within our reach, and why it's needed as we head into the next era of digital advertising.


  • Paul-Antoine Strullu, Head of EMEA at Scope3
  • Anna Kechekmadze, Global Digital Media Strategy Lead at Sanofi Consumer Healthcare

10:00 - 10:30 - Are Sustainability Strategies Delivering Across the Value Chain?

During this session, speakers will assess and debate the state of readiness of our industry and share insights on what is being done to achieve sustainability in digital advertising. 

Exploring the current tools and frameworks available to help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by digital advertising, important regulations, and priorities for businesses the panel will consider if our industry is doing enough to reduce its carbon footprint and what other tangible actions can be taken to deliver across the value chain. 


  • Rachel Smith, CEO at ExchangeWire (Moderator)
  • Arthur Millet, Director General at Alliance Digitale
  • Dimitris Beis, Data Analyst & Sustainability Manager at IAB Europe 
  • Lisa Vieweg, Co-Lead Sustainability in Digital Advertising Lab at BVDW
  • Suzanne McElligott, CEO at IAB Ireland 

10:30 - 10:45 - Is it Time to Build a New Playbook for Digital Publishing?

This enlightening session will cover macro industry trends from a publisher’s perspective. From harnessing first-party data strategies, and creating original content to delivering ecommerce outcomes, all key valuble attributes in today’s media mix will be covered. 

Join to understand how publishers like Mail Metro Media are set up to meet the changing demands of media consumption and digital audiences.


  • Lauren Dick, Executive Director at Mail Metro Media

10:45 - 11:15 - How Can Publishers Reinvent their Digital Advertising Business?

Here we hear from a publisher’s perspective. Discover how publishers are moving, shaking, innovating, and reinventing their digital advertising businesses to ensure success in the new world of digital. 


  • Constantine Kamaras, Chairman Emeritus at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Lauren Dick, Executive Director at Mail Metro Media
  • Francesco Barbarani, Director of Digital & Experience at Rai Pubblicità
  • Karen Nahum, General Manager of Publishing & Digital at Grupo 24 ORE

11:15 - 12:00 - COFFEE BREAK 

12:00 - 12:30 - What Comes Next for Digital Advertising Policy?

In this exclusive policy session, our panel of esteemed speakers will delve into the future of digital advertising policy in the European Union and answer what comes next. 

They will examine the influential factors that will steer EU perspectives on digital advertising policy, particularly in light of upcoming elections and their impact on setting the agenda. They will also focus on the post-election landscape, identifying the potential hurdles and issues that EU policymakers must confront and navigate in shaping effective advertising regulations.


  • Inés Talavera de la Esperanza, Public Policy Manager at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Paul Goode, SVP Strategic Partnerships at Comscore
  • Alexander Whalen, Public Policy Manager, EU Affairs at Meta 
  • Achim Schlosser, VP Global Data Standards at Bertlesmann

12:30 - 13:00 - What are the Key Factors Driving the Continuous Development of the TCF?

In this session, our panel of experts will dive into the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) in light of the CJEU ruling in connection with IAB Europe’s appeal of the February 2022 decision by the Belgian Data Protection Authority. They will discuss the latest adaptations being made to the framework in line with the regulatory challenges surrounding digital advertising and uncover how else it is evolving to work with new developments and innovations in the ecosystem.


  • Ninon Vagner, Privacy Director at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Julien Delhommeau, Chair of IAB Europe's TCF Working Group 
  • Christoph Zippel, Chair of IAB Europe's TCF Policy Working Group 
  • Giulia Sala, External Legal Counsel at IAB Italy 
  • Will Howard, Legal Counsel at Google

13:00 - 13:30 - How can the Industry Work Together to Meet the Transparency Obligations of the Digital Services Act?

In this session, our panel of experts will discuss the release of the technical specifications for the DSA Ads Transparency Solution by IAB Tech Lab, in collaboration with IAB Europe, as well as the interplay between the specifications and EDAA's Advanced Advertising Transparency Programme (AATP). They will discuss how compliance with Article 26 of the DSA can be facilitated and streamlined through common technical approaches as well as the outstanding uncertainties underlying the enforcement of this new piece of legislation at both EU and national level.


  • Townsend Feehan, CEO at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Martina Gerli, Project Coordinator at EDAA
  • Elena Turtureanu, Global VP Legal and Privacy at Adform
  • Rowena Lam, Sr. Director of Product, Privacy & Data at IAB Tech Lab
  • Lucio Gagliardi, Privacy & Ad Tech Program Lead at Adevinta



IAB Europe
Rond-Point Robert
Schuman 11
1040 Brussels
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